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  • Vacantes | Revive Fest

    Fecha de publicación de la convocatoria: Enero de 2024. Fecha límite de postulación: Abierta, hasta encontrar a la persona adecuada para el puesto. La Alianza Revive el Río Colorado/Raise the River (“la alianza”) abre una convocatoria para un/a Coordinador/a de Comunicaciones remoto de tiempo completo para México. La vacante está abierta a profesionistas con un compromiso para trabajar desde el interés público a favor del medio ambiente y las comunidades del delta del río Colorado, y ayudar a aumentar la visibilidad y el financiamiento de nuestros programas y de nuestra marca en México. Esta es una gran oportunidad de unirse a una alianza reconocida y con gran potencial de crecimiento y tener un impacto inmediato en el apremiante ámbito ambiental no-gubernamental en la región. Este puesto trabajará bajo la supervisión de la coordinación de la alianza, y en estrecha colaboración con la coordinadora de comunicaciones, desempeñando un papel integral en el éxito de nuestra comunicación y desarrollo. El/la candidato/a ideal debe ser una persona creativa y proactiva, con un profundo conocimiento de plataformas y campañas de comunicación en México, así como excelentes habilidades de redacción e identificación de oportunidades mediáticas. Nuestro/a candidato/a ideal también debe tener un manejo intermedio-alto del idioma inglés, ser muy organizado/a, emprendedor/a y tener capacidad de trabajar en un entorno colaborativo y dinámico. Coordinador/a de comunicaciones para México Objetivo del puesto Dirigir y coordinar las estrategias de comunicación de la Alianza Revive el Río en México, asegurando una representación efectiva y coherente de nuestra misión y valores a través de diversas plataformas y medios. Las actividades y estrategias de comunicación serán en estrecha coordinación con las seis organizaciones que conforman la Alianza en México y Estados Unidos. Responsabilidades clave Relaciones con medios de comunicación y aliados estratégicos Coordinación de Eventos Gestión de Redes Sociales Generación de contenido Coordinación de Proyectos de Video Apoyo a la recaudación de fondos Seguimiento e informes Manejo de Crisis Leer descripción completa Requisitos Título universitario Experiencia mínima Comunicación, periodismo, relaciones públicas, mercadotecnia o campos afines 3 años en un rol similar, preferiblemente en el sector sin fines de lucro o ambiental en México. Idiomas Requisitos adicionales Habilidades de comunicación estratégica y efectiva, oral y escrita, en español (nativo) e inglés (nivel intermedio-alto) Experiencia en gestión de proyectos y capacidad para trabajar bajo presión. Habilidad para crear alianzas, asociaciones y redes estratégicas de coordinación de esfuerzos con miras a lograr objetivos organizacionales de largo plazo. Demostrada sensibilidad y conciencia de las necesidades y preocupaciones de personas de diversas culturas y orientaciones, incluyendo comunidades rurales, agrícolas e indígenas. Compromiso con ayudar a crear un ambiente de trabajo diverso, equitativo e inclusivo que promueve y celebra las diferencias de cultura, orígenes y orientaciones. Demostrada capacidad de liderazgo, trabajo en grupo, iniciativa y proactividad. Estilo de liderazgo colaborativo e inclusivo con excelentes habilidades de escucha, inteligencia emocional e interacción efectiva con personas de diferentes contextos y realidades. Enfoque estratégico, creativo y con visión de futuro. Orientación a resultados, adaptabilidad y gestión del cambio. Ubicación Trabajo remoto, idealmente en la región del delta del río Colorado (Baja California, Sonora, California o Arizona). Abierto a cualquier ciudad en México. Tipo de contrato Contrato anual como consultor/a independiente con posibilidades de renovación, tres meses de prueba, sin prestaciones. Honorarios A convenir con base en la experiencia y el lugar de trabajo en un rango de entre $30,000 y $40,000 pesos mexicanos, antes de impuestos. Supervisión A cargo de la coordinadora de la Alianza Revive el Río, en estrecha colaboración con la coordinadora de comunicación de la Alianza. Horario Flexible, de 30 a 40 horas laborales semanalmente. Disponibilidad para viajar Ocasionalmente en la región, tanto en Estados Unidos como en México con viáticos. Materiales de postulación Carta de interés en español, de máximo una hoja en la que se mencione experiencia relevante y por qué se considera la persona ideal para ocupar el cargo. Currículum actualizado en español de máximo dos páginas. Solicitamos encarecidamente abstenerse de enviar información personal como fotografía, edad, estado civil, etc. ​ Los y las postulantes deben enviar lo antes posible todos los materiales de postulación en un único documento a: . Favor de escribir “Coordinación de Comunicación para México” en el asunto del mensaje. Haremos una oferta de trabajo en cuanto encontremos al candidato/a calificado/a. Sólo se procesarán las solicitudes que tengan la documentación completa. Favor de comunicarse ÚNICAMENTE vía correo electrónico. Es política de la Alianza Revive el Río / Raise the River proveer oportunidades a todas las personas calificadas y reafirmamos que no habrá discriminación de personas solicitantes calificadas con base en edad, ascendencia, credo, discapacidad, estado civil, condición médica, nacionalidad, maternidad, raza, sexo o cualquier otro factor no relevante para el desempeño del contrato. Para conocer más acerca de la Alianza, suscríbete a nuestro boletín de noticias y síguenos en Facebook e Instagram . Acerca de la Alianza Revive el Río Colorado La Alianza Revive el Rio Colorado, también llamada Raise the River en inglés, es una asociación única de seis organizaciones no gubernamentales de México y los Estados Unidos comprometidas con la reconexión del río Colorado con el mar a través de una red de sitios restaurados en su región del delta. Los flujos de agua administrados apoyan la restauración del hábitat a lo largo de este corredor fluvial. Los miembros incluyen la National Audubon Society , Pronatura Noroeste , Restauremos el Colorado, A.C., Sonoran Institute , The Nature Conservancy , y The Redford Center . La coalición ha trabajado con legisladores, agencias encargadas del manejo de agua y representantes gubernamentales de México y los EE. UU. desde 2012 para crear de manera cooperativa un cambio histórico para el delta del Río Colorado.

  • Tianguis orgánico

    October 21, 2023 Join us for an afternoon and evening of live music, games, raffle prizes, and fun at this community event. Visit our booth for the chance to take home a native tree, and sample the products from more than 70 other exhibitors. 6:00 to 11:00 pm; no prior registration is required.

  • Festival virtual

    Raise the River Virtual Festival Join us for our online event featuring talks, presentations, and exchanges among our coalition members and allies, including our partners from the United States and Mexican federal governments. ​ ​ During the course of f our virtual sessions, we'll explore the governme ntal policies that support our restoration efforts in the Colorado River Delta, the impacts they have on communities in the region, and how the Colorado River unites and inspires us. Thursday, October 26, 9 am to 1 pm, PT. Attendee link will be provided upon registration. ​ Our partners and allies Event schedule Agricultural innovation and teamwork / ​ The Delta gives meaning to our lives ​ This two-part panel will show us how cooperation provides us with effective responses to the challenges faced by the region's agricultural sector. / M eet those who restore our forests, and reconnect the Colorado River Delta with the community that surrounds it. Documenting the changing Colorado River Delta Stories of the Colorado River Delta through the lens of the photographers and videographers who have witnessed and documented change. Cooperation across borders: the key to resilience A conversation with the Commissioners of the International Boundary and Water Commission of the United States and Mexico, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, followed by comments from the Ken Salazar, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. The Colorado River inspires us Watershed: How a film convened the Raise the River coalition: The Colorado River as an example of the power of ‘story’. Session 1: Community 9:00 - 9:15 - Welcome and opening remarks Moderator: Aída Navarro , Coordinator, Raise the River 9:15 - 9:45 - Agricultural innovation and teamwork Challenges of the agricultural sector of the Mexicali Valley and San Luis Río Colorado Speakers: Edgar Carrera, The Nature Conservancy Carolina Sánchez, Restauremos el Colorado Mario Alberto Meza, Productor Agropecuario Carlos de la Parra, Restauremos el Colorado 9:50 - 10:20 - The Colorado River gives meaning to our lives Meet those who make our restored forests possible and the connection to the Colorado River Delta community. Speakers: Yuliana Dimas, Pronatura Noroeste Génesis Alarcón, Restauremos el Colorado Diego Miranda, Sonoran Institute México Session 2: Documenting the Colorado River 1 0:25 - 10:30 - Video: Flying over the Colorado River Delta! 10:25 - 10:55 -Documenting the changing Colorado River Delta Stories of the Colorado River through t he lens of photographers who have witnessed its changes over time. Key Speaker: Pete McBride -- Photographer, filmmaker, and writer Session 3: Binational cooperation 10:55 - 12:10 - Cooperation across borders: the key to resilience. ​ Video: "The River unites us: celebrating and reconnecting with the Colorado River" A conversation with the Commissioners of the International Boundary and Water Commission of the United States and Mexico, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Camille Calimlim Touton, Co mmissioner, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Adriana Reséndez Maldonado, Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission , Mexico Division María Elena Giner, Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. Division ​ Comments from Ken Salazar, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, on his relationship to, and work on behalf of, the Colorado River Delta and Colorado River. Session 4: The Colorado River inspires us 12:10 - 12:20 - Through the lens of Jesus Salazar, Raise the River photographer 12:20 - 12:55 - Watershed: the power of stor y Watershed: How a film convened the Raise the River coalition: The Colorado River as an example of the power of ‘story’. Key speaker: Jill Tidman, Executive Director, The Redford Center Speakers Ken Salazar, Ambassador of the United States of America to Mexico Ken Salazar was sworn in as United States Ambassador to Mexico on September 2, 2021. In 2009, President Obama nominated Mr. Salazar to serve as Secretary of Interior where he had a lead role on the Obama-Biden agenda on energy and climate, the nation’s conservation agenda including America’s Great Outdoors, and Indian Country. Ambassador Salazar has been a lifelong fighter for civil rights and the inclusion of Latinos in the American dream. Ambassador Salazar and his family have farmed along the banks of the Rio Grande River in New Mexico and Colorado for more than four centuries. Adriana Resend ez Commissioner, ​ I nternational Boundary and Water Commission , Mexico Division (CILA) Engineer Adriana Reséndez has served as the Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, Mexican Section (CILA) since September 15, 2021. Commissioner Reséndez is a civil engineer with a master’s degree in hydraulic resources in arid zones, with a specialty in water use and water quality. She has 23 years of experience in the Mexican section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), in the Department of Engineering as deputy director of the Colorado River, and in operations as principal engineer. María Elena Giner, P.E. Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Division Dr. Maria-Elena Giner is the Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. Division. Commissioner Giner, the second woman and first Latina to hold the position, previously served as General Manager of the Border Environmental Cooperation Commission (BECC), an institution that developed environmental infrastructure along the U.S.-Mexico border in partnership with the North American Development Bank. During her tenure at BECC, the Commissioner focused on policies addressing cooperation between the United States and Mexico on water, energy, and climate change. C amille Calimlim Touton C ommissioner, Un ited States Bureau of Reclamation Prior to her appointment, Commissioner Touton served as a member of the professional staff for the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The Commissioner was the staff lead on resiliency provisions enacted as part of the U.S. Water Resources Development Act of 2020. The Commissioner's Congressional experience also includes serving as Professional Staff for the Department of Interior's authorizing committees, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and the House Natural Resources Committee. Francisco Bernal Gutierrez Head of the CONAGUA Basin Organization, Baja California Peninsula Master of Science in Use and Management of Irrigation Water in Arid Zones from the Autonomous University of Baja California, and agronomist specialist in agricultural irrigation and drainage from the same university. He has been a professor at different academic institutions, representative of the Mexican section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, Secretary for Water Management, Sanitation and Protection and General Director of the State Water Commission of the Government of Baja California. He participated in the negotiations of IBWC Minutes 319 and 323, as part of the Cooperation Actions for the Colorado River to address the shortage in the basin. Pete McBride Award-winning photographer, filmmaker and writer Pete McBride has been studying the world with his camera for more than two decades in more than 75 countries for National Geographic and National Geographic Traveler magazines, Outside, among others. Pete decided to focus his focus on a topic close to his heart: the mighty Colorado. Four years and 1,500 river miles later, Pete told the story of a river that no longer makes its way from its source high in the Rockies to the Gulf of California in Mexico due to climate change and too many municipal obstacles. and agricultural projects that have crossed his path. Pete channeled this work into an acclaimed book, three award-winning documentaries, and a PBS television show. Aida Navarro Barnetche Coordinator of the Revive the Colorado River Alliance Aída Navarro coordinates the Raise the River Alliance, a unique alliance of six non-governmental organizations from Mexico and the United States, committed to reviving the Colorado River Delta through activities that support environmental restoration for the benefit of the people and wildlife of the Delta. Originally from Mexico City, Aída has more than 19 years of experience coordinating marine and coastal conservation programs and environmental conservation campaigns in the Baja California Peninsula and Southern California. Carlos de la Parra President, Let's Restore the Colorado President of Restauremos el Colorado, a Civil Association that operates in Mexicali in water management for the restoration of ecosystems. Founding partner of the Luken Center for Water and Environment Strategies, a non-profit civil society organization that promotes comprehensive water solutions linking science, practice and policy. Member of the Board of Directors of the North American Development Bank (NADBank) as Representative of Mexican Civil Society. He has been Federal Delegate in Baja California and Representative at the Mexican Embassy in Washington for the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), and for 30 years he was a research professor at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Yuliana Dimas Pronatura Northwest Originally from Hermosillo Sonora, Professional Social Worker graduated from the University of Sonora, with a Master's Degree in Education Field Environmental Education from the National Pedagogical University and has a Diploma in Social Management and Community Development, from the National Institute and Social Development. She has been part of the Pronatura Noroeste team since 2011 and develops the Community Involvement Program in the Colorado River Delta region, mainly at the Miguel Alemán Restoration Site, Cucapá Wetland, in the urban and rural areas of San Luis Río Colorado and Mexicali, through the project aimed at the public: Reforest San Luis, with the purpose of integrating the social sectors of the Delta region to be part of the Colorado River Restoration Initiative. Carolina Sánchez Gastelum Restauremos el Colorado Manager of the Agroecology Department. Carolina has a PhD in Agricultural Sciences from the Chapingo Autonomous University, she has coordinated various projects on sustainable agriculture with farmers from different parts of the country. At Restauremos El Colorado is the link between the organization and the agricultural community of the Mexicali Valley. She currently coordinates, together with the National Water Commission (CONAGUA), the series of workshops Proposals to Improve Water Management and Management in Irrigation District 014, Colorado River and is responsible for the development of four silvopastoral pilot projects in the valley of Mexicali. Gabriela Caloca Michel Pronatura Northwest Chemical Oceanologist from the Autonomous University of Baja California in Mexico, with a Specialty in Environmental Management in Geographic Information Systems. Since 2012 he has provided support within the Pronatura Noroeste Water and Wetlands Program in the coordination of efforts for the restoration of the Colorado River Delta, in Minutes 319 and 323. He is a member of civil society in the Basin Council of Baja California and Municipality of San Luis Río Colorado and co-president of the Mexican delegation of the Environmental Working Group of Act 323. Osvel Hinojosa Huerta Pronatura Northwest He has worked on conservation and research projects in northwest Mexico since 1997, primarily in coastal and riparian areas of the Sonoran Desert. Over the course of 18 years, he has collaborated with Pronatura Noroeste in the restoration of the Colorado River delta, the recovery of the river's flows, and the facilitation of binational negotiations between Mexico and the United States for the sustainability of this basin. He currently directs the Coastal Solutions Fellows Program at the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology Diego Miranda Sonoran Institute Héctor Diego García Miranda is a biologist graduated from the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM. Throughout his career, he has dedicated his passion to the conservation of natural resources in different NPAs and restoration sites. In the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve, he has experience in biological monitoring of species at risk, such as the magueyero bat, Sonoran pronghorn, desert pupfish, snapping-breasted tortoise, etc. Keyla Gardenia Ramos Nuñez Reforesta San Luis, Volunteer Keyla Gardenia Ramos Nuñez, Graduate in Law, and master's degree. In 2014 she joined Pronatura Noreeste's reforestation campaigns in the Colorado River Delta as a volunteer. In 2022, she was selected as a Youth Senator by the H. Senate of the Republic with the presentation of a Bill on the environment. Just as she became a Semifinalist for the 2022 State Youth Award, in the Environmental Protection Category, by the Sonoran Youth Institute. Jill Tidman Executive Director, The Redford Center Executive Director of The Redford Center, an independent nonprofit organization founded in 2005 by Robert Redford and his son James Redford. Jill has worked with the organization since its founding and took the helm in 2012 to lead the vision, strategy, and operations in service of advancing environmental solutions through the power of stories that move people to act. Genesis Alarcon Originally from Mexicali, Baja California, she graduated from the UABC with a degree in Civil Engineering and from the Engineering Institute with a master's degree in engineering, with a specialty in geohydrology and the environment. Génesis has collaborated with Restauremos el Colorado since 2016 and currently serves as Manager of the Restoration department. Jesus Garcia Salazar Photographer of the Raise the River Coalition Mexican conservation photographer, with emphasis on arid and coastal areas. He has documented Mexican surfing since 2012 with a historical, cultural, territory and identity focus. Throughout his career, he has explored the theme of the ocean, ways of life and trades of seafarers. For four years he has been a photographer for the Revive the River Alliance and has documented the historic deliveries of water by the United States of America to Mexico in the Colorado River Delta area in its natural cause for the restoration of the site. His work has been published and exhibited in national and international media and platforms. Edgar Carrera The Nature Conservancy Edgar Carrera is project coordinator in the Colorado River Delta for The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Civil Engineer, master in environmental engineering and native of the area, Edgar has extensive experience in the evolution of ecological flow, hydrological monitoring, wetlands and conservation planning. As part of his work at TNC, Edgar is manager of the Las Arenitas project and the Rancho los Fresnos reserve. Mario Alberto Meza Solorzano Agricultural Producer Mario Alberto Meza Solórzano has been an agricultural producer in Colonia Mariana in the Mexicali Valley for more than 40 years. Don Beto, as his friends know him, is originally from Colonia Mariana where he currently lives with his family. Mario Alberto provides agricultural work services (land preparation, planting, harvesting) in the valley, produces forage crops for sale and consumption, and is also dedicated to raising cattle and sheep. He is one of the organizers of the Cordero fest, a regional event that has been held in Mexicali since 2019 to promote the consumption of lamb. This producer is part of the pilot crop and silvopastoral reconversion projects coordinated by The Nature Conservancy and Restauremos El Colorado, organizations of the Revive the Colorado River Alliance.

  • Responsabilidades | Vacante Comunicación

    Responsabilidades clave Relaciones con medios de comunicación y aliados estratégicos: Ayudar a identificar y a relacionarse con aliados estratégicos de comunicación en México, incluyendo medios de comunicación, personas influyentes, socios regionales, agencias gubernamentales (estatales y federales) y socios corporativos. Establecimiento y mantenimiento de relaciones productivas con los medios de comunicación en México: Preparar y distribuir comunicados y kits de prensa en México. Identificar y coordinar oportunidades de aparición ante medios de comunicación para el personal de las organizaciones, y ejercer como portavoz de la alianza ante los medios cuando sea necesario. Trabajar de forma colaborativa, incluyente y sensible con las distintas organizaciones en colaboración con el personal y los directores de comunicaciones. Coordinación de Eventos: Diseñar y ejecutar la planificación integral de eventos especiales en Mexico, giras de medios, exposiciones y foros binacionales, asegurando congruencia con los objetivos de la Alianza. Coordinar la logística de eventos, incluyendo la selección de lugares, contratación de proveedores, y gestión de presupuestos. Crear y supervisar el contenido de los eventos, asegurando que sea relevante, atractivo y refleje la misión de la Alianza. Coordinar la producción de materiales promocionales y de apoyo para los eventos, como folletos, carteles y presentaciones digitales. Gestión de Redes Sociales: Desarrollar e implementar estrategias en redes sociales en español, para aumentar la visibilidad y el alcance de la organización, a nivel nacional y con particular énfasis en la región del delta del río Colorado que comprende los estados de Baja California y Sonora. Crear y organizar contenido en español, que incorpore historias e información relevante para la alianza, ya sea contenido original, historias de terceros o noticias de la agrupación. Monitorear y analizar la actividad en medios y redes sociales para optimizar las estrategias de comunicación. Coordinar con socios de la Alianza para generación y amplificación de contenido relevante. Generación de contenido: Producir y gestionar toda la documentación impresa, electrónica, y multimedia: boletines, declaraciones, materiales, informes anuales, comunicaciones de alto nivel, contenido de redes sociales en español, que refleje la misión y los objetivos de la organización. Redactar, editar y corregir todos los documentos y comunicaciones de cara al público en español. Colaborar con otros socios de la Alianza para desarrollar materiales informativos y promocionales. Preparar y presentar informes o presentaciones en español, que destaquen los esfuerzos y logros de la Alianza. Coordinación de Proyectos de Video Supervisar la producción de videos en español, incluyendo la gestión de presupuestos y cronogramas, en colaboración con la Coordinadora de comunicaciones de Raise the River. Trabajar con equipos técnicos para garantizar que el contenido sea certero, informativo, atractivo y congruente con la estrategia general de comunicaciones. Apoyo a la recaudación de fondos ​ Desarrollar o actualizar materiales en español para apoyar los programas de recaudación de fondos de la Alianza/Raise the River. En colaboración con la Coordinadora de la Alianza e International Community Foundation (ICF), crear e implementar estrategias efectivas de comunicación para donantes mexicanos en apoyo a las necesidades de financiamiento de la Alianza. Preparar presentaciones para la captación de fondos, adaptadas a perfiles específicos de donantes. Seguimiento e informes Supervisar, dar seguimiento y analizar la eficacia de las diversas actividades de comunicación, incluyendo indicadores de éxito. Trabajar en colaboración con la Coordinadora de Comunicación de Raise the River para desarrollar un programa de comunicación anual específico para México. Preparar un informe anual para los donantes que respaldan el programa de comunicación para México. Manejo de Crisis Desarrollar y ejecutar estrategias de comunicación en México para situaciones de crisis sociales o diplomáticas que pongan en riesgo el trabajo de la Alianza. Coordinar con diversos miembros de la Alianza para garantizar respuestas rápidas y efectivas en situaciones adversas. Mantener una comunicación clara y tranquilizadora con el público y otras partes interesadas durante y después de las crisis. Regresar a página principal

  • Tierra Sonora

    Tierra Sonora San Luis Río Colorado - November 9- 12 Join us at the Tierra Sonora Festival community event where we will have a booth at this popular community event, where we will share information about our work to restore water and life to the Colorado River Delta. Throughout the four-day event, Raise the River will be a part of various shows and activities to reconnect the local community with the Colorado River. Attendees can enter raffles, as well as take home native plant seedlings. ​ San Luis Río Colorado is located in northwest Mexico, in the state of Sonora, on the border with the U.S. state of Arizona. The city is known for its arid, desert climate. It is named for the Colorado River, which once regularly flowed through this city. ​ Please come, and visit our booth! No prior registration is required to attend; and there is no charge for admission.

  • Visitas guiadas

    Our restored forests The member organizations of Raise the River have restored more than 500 hectares of forests with aspen, willow, mesquite, and many other species of trees that are native to the Delta region. These forests are the habitat of a variety of migratory and resident bird species, reptiles, bobcats, and beavers! If you are interested in visiting any of these sites, please provide us with your contact information, and we'll share upcoming opportunities. Visit us Contact For additional information about the festival, or for media inquiries in English, contact:, +1 917-573-8412. ​ For Mexico Media inquiries, contact:

  • Festival Revive el Río Colorado

    Back to top About us Subscribe Raise the River Festival The R iver Unites Us October 19 - 26, 2023 Join us for the RAISE THE RIVER FESTIVAL: THE RIVER UNITES US! From October 19 to 26, Raise the River will host a series of free, in-person events in Mexicali and San Luis Río Colorado, as well as a virtual event exploring all of the ways the Colorado River serves to bring us together -- and how the delta region can benefit when we work in cooperation. Featuring our coalition member organizations together with representatives from the United States and Mexico federal governments -- important partners in our efforts -- our online program of interactive talks and virtual tours will explore how teamwork is bringing water and life back to the Colorado River Delta. ​ Mark your calendars, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram! Artisan & Organic Market Mexicali; Saturday, October 21 Join us for an afternoon and evening filled with music, fun, raffle prizes, educational games, and more! We'll be providing native tree seedlings that you can take home to plant, and more than 70 other exhibitors will be featuring a variety of organic and artisanal products ​ Learn more Virtual Event Thursday, October 26 Join us for our online event featuring talks, presentations, and exchanges among our coalition members and allies, including our partners from the United States and Mexican federal governments. The event will feature four blocks of sessions, taking place from 9 am to 1 pm PT. ​ ​ ​ ​ Register Tierra Sonora Festival, November 9 - 12 The Raise the River coalition will have a booth at the Tierra Sonora Festival. Over four days, we will be participating in various shows and activities, offering raffle prizes, the chance to take home a native plant, and many other activities aimed at reconnecting our community with the Colorado River Delta. ​ Learn more Agenda About us We are a unique partnership of six non-governmental organizations from the United States and Mexico working to revive the Colorado River Delta through activities that support environmental restoration to benefit the people and enhance wildlife in the Delta. We have worked with policymakers, water management agencies, and government representatives from the United States and Mexico since 2012 to cooperatively create historic change for the Colorado River Delta. For more information follow us on Facebook and Instagram . About us Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe now to keep updated about the latest news and our activities in the Colorado River Delta. Subscribe

  • Home | Revive Fest

    A series of free, in-person and online events taking place between October 19 and 26, 2023. Register for the Webinar Visit our page Join us!

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